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Kill All Normies - Online culture wars from 4chan and Tumblr to Trump and the alt-right

Condition: Very Good



Was: $11.29

If you're curious about the dark underbelly of internet subcultures, "Kill All Normies" is a must-read. Angela Nagle fearlessly dives into the controversial and fascinating world of 4chan, alt-right movements, and online feminism. This book not only delves into the historical origins of these ideologies, but also offers a compelling case for reevaluating our current cultural climate. Prepare for a thought-provoking journey that unveils the hidden battlefields of the internet.
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Love And Marriage In Mumbai

Condition: Well Read



Was: $9.86

- This book offers a raw and honest portrayal of love and marriage in the bustling city of Mumbai. It brings forth the complexities and challenges that couples face in their relationships, while also highlighting the vibrant culture and traditions of the city. If you're interested in exploring different perspectives on love, and want a realistic glimpse into the lives of couples in Mumbai, this book is for you.

The Price of Inequality : How Today's Divided Society Endangers Our Future

Condition: Very Good


If you're scratching your head wondering why economic inequality seems to only grow, "The Price of Inequality" by Joseph E. Stiglitz could help you see the bigger picture. It's not just a dissection of the gap between the rich and the poor; it's a deep dive into the policies and systems that got us here. Stiglitz offers more than just a sobering critique – he provides a vision that might reignite your belief in a fairer economy and society.

Disabling Amer

Condition: Well Read


"Disabling America" dives deep into how society constructs disability, offering an eye-opening perspective that challenges us to reconsider our preconceived notions. It's not just academic; it's a book that could change the way you see the world around you, enriching your understanding of inclusivity and diversity.
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Stiffed 20th Anniversary Edition: The Roots of Modern Male Rage

Condition: Very Good



Was: $9.86

This book could be a good read for someone seeking a deep understanding of the underlying factors contributing to male frustration and anger in modern society. Through insightful character studies, Susan Faludi uncovers the social and economic forces that have reshaped American masculinity, making it essential reading to comprehend the current cultural landscape. Be prepared to be challenged and enlightened as you navigate through the complexities of gender dynamics in a post-traditional era.
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Black Macho and the Myth of the Superwoman

Condition: Very Good



Was: $9.88

This book is a thought-provoking critique of the patriarchal biases within the black political movement of the sixties. Michele Wallace fearlessly challenges the traditional myths of black womanhood and sheds light on the marginalization of women within the culture of Black Power. A must-read for anyone interested in understanding the intersections of race, gender, and power, as well as the ongoing relevance of these issues in contemporary feminist and black theory debates.

God Is Not Great

Condition: Like New


"God Is Not Great" is a must-read for those who want a better understanding of the dangers of religion. Hitchens argues that religion is man-made and does more harm than good. He provides thought-provoking examples and extensive research that will leave you questioning the role of religion in our world. If you are looking for a well-written, insightful critique of religion, this book is for you.

The Myth of Mars and Venus [Paperback]

Condition: Very Good


The Myth of Mars and Venus is more than just a counterpoint to gender clichés; it's a deep dive into the complexities of language and societal roles that shape our understanding of gender. Deborah Cameron doesn't just challenge well-trodden stereotypes; she engages with decades of academic research to provide a narrative that is both enlightening and essential for those interested in gender studies, communication, and challenging the status quo. If you've ever questioned the nuances of male and female communication, this thorough examination backed by scientific research is an insightful and potentially paradigm-shifting read.
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The Ordinary Person's Guide to Empire

Condition: Well Read



Was: $6.13

If you're feeling overwhelmed by the state of global politics and crave an incisive voice that cuts through the noise, Arundhati Roy's "The Ordinary Person's Guide to Empire" is for you. Roy takes no prisoners as she examines injustices and challenges democratic ideals, making this collection a provoking commentary that's perfect if you're looking to fuel your activism with informed perspectives.
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Suspicious Minds: Why We Believe Conspiracy Theories

Condition: Well Read



Was: $9.88

This book is a fascinating exploration of the human inclination to believe in conspiracy theories. It uncovers the reasons why people are drawn to these theories, especially when they feel discontented or distrustful. With a blend of psychological research and historical examples, Suspicious Minds provides a captivating and thought-provoking journey into the world of conspiracy thinking. If you've ever wondered why people believe in such theories, this book will offer you valuable insights and leave you questioning your own beliefs.

Cosmopolitanism : Ethics in a World of Strangers

Condition: Well Read


If you’ve ever felt a bit like a global citizen or wondered how ethics can span different cultures, Appiah’s "Cosmopolitanism" is a thought-provoking read. It weaves together insights from history, literature, and philosophy to argue for a shared humanity that transcends cultural differences. Appiah's own worldly experiences enrich his arguments, making it a compelling book for anyone interested in how morals can and do travel across the global village.

The Upside of Irrationality : The Unexpected Benefits of Defying Logic at Work and at Home

Condition: Well Read


If you've ever felt puzzled by your own or others' illogical choices, "The Upside of Irrationality" might just be the book you need. Dan Ariely takes you on a journey through the paradoxes of human behavior, making sense of our irrational decisions. It's a captivating read that will shed light on the hidden forces shaping your actions, potentially transforming the way you work, love, and live.
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The World is Flat : The Globalized World in the Twenty-first Century

Condition: Well Read



Was: $8.80

If you're intrigued by how technology bridges distances and creates a competitive global marketplace, "The World is Flat" is for you. Thomas L. Friedman takes you on a journey, explaining the complexities of globalization in a relatable way. It's like having a savvy guide walk you through the economic and social shifts that are shaping our interconnected world. With insights that can help you understand current events and what they mean for the future, this book feels like a necessary manual for anyone living in the 21st century.
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Fast Food Nation: What the All-American Meal Is Doing to the World

Condition: Well Read



Was: $9.29

If you're someone who breezes through drive-thrus without a second thought, "Fast Food Nation" will stop you in your tracks. It's not just a deep dive into what you're eating, but a revelation of how the fast food industry has reshaped society, labor, and health in profound and unsettling ways. Imagine uncovering the secrets behind your cheeseburger—it's thought-provoking, it's urgent, and it might just change how you see your next meal.
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Guns, Germs, and Steel: The Fates of Human Societies

Condition: Well Read



Was: $14.33

If you're hungering for a fresh perspective on how the world has been carved up across millennia, you just might devour "Guns, Germs, and Steel." It’s more than a history book; it's a narrative about the intrinsic forces that have shaped human societies. Jared Diamond takes you on a journey that spans from the Stone Age to modern times, challenging the conventional wisdom about social development and destiny that often leans on racial explanations. His biological lens on history is unique—it reframes our understanding in terms of environment and chance rather than inherent superiority.

How Pleasure Works : The New Science of Why We Like What We Like

Condition: Very Good


Ever wonder why we crave what we do? "How Pleasure Works" isn't just a peek into the human psyche; it's a guided tour by Paul Bloom, who combines wit with scholarly research. He challenges the simplistic notion that pleasure is just a response to certain stimuli, encouraging you to look at your desires through a new lens. If you enjoy examining the odd corners of human nature or if you've ever mused over our collective fascinations, this book could reshape the way you understand pleasure.
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War and Anti-War : Survival at the Dawn of the 21st Century

Condition: Well Read



Was: $11.29

This book investigates the complex relationship between war and the global economy, providing a unique perspective on the nature of conflict in the 21st century. Through their deep analysis, leading futurists Alvin Toffler paint a vivid picture of the future face of war. If you are intrigued by the intersection of warfare and economic activity, this book is an enlightening and thought-provoking read that will challenge your understanding of warfare in the modern world.
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An Uncertain Glory: India and Its Contradictions

Condition: Very Good



Was: $12.38

If you're intrigued by the intricate blend of economic growth and social challenges in modern India, "An Uncertain Glory" offers an eye-opening perspective. Drèze masterfully combines rigorous research with a compelling narrative that sheds light on the contradictory realities of a nation grappling with profound disparities. It's an essential read for anyone interested in understanding the multifaceted issues facing one of the world's largest democracies.
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The Shallows : How the Internet Is Changing the Way We Think, Read and Remember

Condition: Very Good



Was: $12.82

The Shallows is a thought-provoking book that explores how the internet is changing our way of thinking, reading and remembering. Nicholas Carr argues that our heavy reliance on the internet is causing us to lose our ability to concentrate deeply and think critically. This book is recommended for anyone who is interested in how technology is shaping our lives and wants to understand the pros and cons of our digital world. The most unique and distinctive feature of this book is its ability to make readers reflect on their own internet usage and its impact on their mental and social well-being.
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The Undoing Project : A Friendship That Changed Our Minds

Condition: Very Good



Was: $21.29

This book could be a good read for someone who is curious about how the human mind works and wants to delve into the world of decision-making. Michael Lewis vividly recounts the groundbreaking work of Daniel Kahneman and Amos Tversky, whose collaboration in the field of behavioral economics reshaped our understanding of reality. Through their extraordinary lives and research, this book offers a captivating exploration of the power of intuition, the limitations of human judgment, and the potential of algorithms to shape our lives. Get ready to have your mind blown and gain new insights into the workings of your own mind.
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How Women Work: Fitting In and Standing Out in Asia

Condition: Well Read



Was: $9.29

If you're navigating the complex nexus of culture and leadership in Asia, "How Women Work: Fitting In and Standing Out in Asia" could be incredibly insightful for you. Especially for women forging a path in leadership across diverse Asian contexts, this book offers a tapestry of experiences and strategies that resonate with the unique challenges faced. It's a lens into the balance between adapting and asserting oneself in professional environments that are rich in tradition yet rapidly modernizing.


Condition: Like New


If you've ever been curious about how our pursuit of entertainment has sparked some of the most innovative creations in history, "Wonderland" is a thrilling exploration of just that. Steven Johnson takes you on a journey where every page offers a blend of historical anecdotes, rich illustrations, and thought-provoking insights into how the whimsical and pleasurable aspects of culture have influenced the serious business of invention. It's an enlightening read that might change the way you look at your everyday amusements.

Literary Criticisms of Law

Condition: Well Read


If you've ever considered law to be dry or strictly pragmatic, "Literary Criticisms of Law" invites you to reconceptualize it. Binder and Weisberg argue convincingly that law isn't just a social construct but a creative field ripe with storytelling and meaning-making. It's an illuminating read that speaks to those interested in the crossroads of legal processes and cultural narratives, enriching your understanding of law as a deeply human, cultural phenomenon.

Intelligence - A Very Short Introduction

Condition: Very Good


Diving into "Intelligence" by Ian J. Deary can be an enlightening experience, especially if you're intrigued by the complexities of the human mind. It's digestible yet thorough, transforming a traditionally dense subject into something you can wrap your head around. If you're curious about the nature versus nurture debate or the plausibility of different intelligence types, this book turns these concepts into accessible insights for both beginners and enthusiasts alike.
If you've ever felt like the underdog, this book by Malcolm Gladwell will be especially resonant. "David and Goliath" explores the counterintuitive nature of success, weaving together history, psychology, and personal stories to illustrate how disadvantages can sometimes turn into strengths. It's a read that encourages you to question your perceptions about power and may just change the way you confront your own Goliaths.

Home : A Short History of an Idea

Condition: Well Read


If you find yourself musing over how your home became the cozy sanctuary it is today, Witold Rybczynski's "Home: A Short History of an Idea" could give you that insight. It's not just a history lesson but a journey that connects architectural necessity to the creature comforts we often take for granted. This book peels back the layers of domestic evolution, offering a narrative that is as educational as it is enjoyable. Your appreciation for the concept of "home" will deepen with each page.

The Revolt Of The Public

Condition: Very Good


Considering how our world is changing rapidly with technology at the forefront, "The Revolt of the Public" is indispensable for understanding the seismic shifts in how people engage with authority and institutions. Martin Gurri offers a piercing insight into the digital-age uprisings that are altering the global political landscape, making it an essential read for those keen on dissecting the intricate dance between public empowerment and political upheaval. If you’re intrigued by the interplay of social media, politics, and grassroots movements, this book can offer you deep, thought-provoking analysis.

Practical Ethics

Condition: Well Read


If you've ever found yourself at a crossroads, feeling uncertain how to tackle the tough moral questions life throws your way, "Practical Ethics" might be the compass you need. It's not just about lofty theories; it's about applying thoughtful, considered action to real-world scenarios. Trust me, it has a way of provoking reflection that sticks with you, prompting you to think deeply about the choices you make every day.
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More From Less - How We Finally Stopped Using Up The World - And What Happens Next

Condition: Like New



Was: $8.43

Recommendation: - More From Less is a game-changing book that challenges the pessimistic view of our environmental future. Andrew McAfee presents a compelling case for optimism as he explores how advancements in technology and capitalism have led to a shift towards using fewer resources while maintaining a comfortable life. This book will empower you with knowledge and inspire you to take action towards a more sustainable and prosperous future.
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When Strangers Meet: How People You Don't Know Can Transform You

Condition: Well Read



Was: $9.89

Ever felt like your day-to-day is on repeat? 'When Strangers Meet' could be the missing spark. It's more than just a nudge to chat with someone new; it's a celebration of how these fleeting moments can profoundly change the way you see the world and yourself. There's a certain magic Kio Stark captures, showing that each person we encounter can be a doorway to a richer life. Dive in and be ready to look up from your phone with a newfound appetite for connection.