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Gary Snyder's "Danger on Peaks" would resonate with you if you appreciate poetry that traverses both the natural world and the depths of human experience. His vantage point from nature's grandeur juxtaposed with poignant historic events offers a profound perspective that's both grounding and enlightening. As a Pulitzer Prize winner, Snyder's mastery in capturing the essence of life's moments will likely leave you contemplating the peaks and valleys of your own journey.

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Danger on Peaks : Poems

ISBN: 9781593760809
Authors: Gary Snyder
Publisher: Counterpoint
Date of Publication: 2005-09-09
Format: Paperback
Goodreads rating: 3.93
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Gary Snyder's "Danger on Peaks" would resonate with you if you appreciate poetry that traverses both the natural world and the depths of human experience. His vantage point from nature's grandeur juxtaposed with poignant historic events offers a profound perspective that's both grounding and enlightening. As a Pulitzer Prize winner, Snyder's mastery in capturing the essence of life's moments will likely leave you contemplating the peaks and valleys of your own journey.

Riley is your virtual thrift companion, and here to help you find your next favourite read. You can also find in-stock similar reads linked by topic and genre here!